Important: Before deploying ImageCapture Suite on web
server, make sure you have
obtained the Web Server License of ImageCapture Suite.
- Make sure you have the below object on your page, it could either be written in HTML directly or created by JavaScript at runtime.
= "clsid:E61B84D6-979B-4864-91B7-B8C140B58D54"
style ="width
name = "Manufacturer"
value = "Dynamsoft Corporation"
name = "ProductName"
value = "ImageCapture Suite"
- This is the object of ImageCapture Suite. Internet Explorer identifies this object as ImageCapture Suite at runtime by the class id
- "E61B84D6-979B-4864-91B7-B8C140B58D54" means you are using trial version. If you have purchased the full license, you should change it to
- CodeBase is the relative path for the file on the server, you should change it accordingly.
- At runtime, Internet Explorer tries to load the ImageCapture Suite component from the client computer. If succeeded, you can use the component going forward.
Otherwise, the browser tries to download/install the component from server according to the attribute CodeBase.
- The params are optional, you can remove them if you like.
- Make sure you have deployed the below files correctly on your server and the paths are written correctly in your code.
- This file contains the dll for 32-bit IE.
- This file contains the dll for 64-bit IE.
- Make sure you have the correct code in your application for licensing. For more info, please check How to use the license.
Contact us
If you have difficulty deploying ImageCapture Suite, please contact us at live chat for instant tech support.
Finding it too complicated?
If you do NOT want to spend too much time learning about the component before actually integrating it into your application,
the Dynamsoft Support team can help you build the capture page. For more info, please
click here.
Important: Before deploying ImageCapture Suite on web
server, make sure you have
obtained the Web Server License of ImageCapture Suite.
For evaluation license, you can deploy
ImageCapture Suite on test web server for evaluation purpose only.
- Make sure you have the below embed element on your page, they could either be written in HTML directly or created by JavaScript at runtime.
Embed element
type = "Application/ImageCaptureSuite-Plugin"
OnPostTransfer = "Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer"
OnPostAllTransfers = "Dynamsoft_OnPostAllTransfers"
pluginspage = "ImageCaptureSuitePlugIn.msi"
style ="width
- The embed element for plug-in is equivalent to the object element for ActiveX.
The embed works for non-IE browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera on Mac/PC while the object works only for IE.
- At runtime, the browser identifies this embed element to be ImageCapture Suite by its type attribute
type = "Application/ImageCaptureSuite-Plugin".
- pluginspage is not a standard attribute of the embed element. Only Firefox supports it. In Firefox, if the component is not
installed, this attribute provides a path from where the "Install Missing Plugin..." button gets the .msi file.
- At runtime, the browser tries to load the ImageCapture Suite component from the client computer. If succeeded, you can use the component going forward.
Otherwise, you, as the application developer should display a message and provide a link for the end users to download/install the .msi file.
You can check out how it is done on our demo page.
- This line OnPostTransfer = "Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer" registers an event
handler Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer for the event OnPostTransfer. The equivalent for the object element would be:
DWObject.RegisterEvent('OnPostTransfer', Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer);
- Make sure you have deployed the below file correctly on your server and the path is written correctly in your code.
- ImageCaptureSuitePlugIn.msi.
- Make sure you have the correct code in your application for licensing. For more info, please check How to use the license.
Contact us
If you have difficulty deploying ImageCapture Suite, please contact us at live chat for instant tech support.
Finding it too complicated?
If you do NOT want to spend too much time learning about the component before actually integrating it into your application,
the Dynamsoft Support team can help you build the capture page. For more info, please
click here.
Important: Before deploying ImageCapture Suite on web
server, make sure you have
obtained the Web Server License of ImageCapture Suite.
For evaluation license, you can deploy
ImageCapture Suite on test web server for evaluation purpose only.
- Make sure you have the below embed element on your page, they could either be written in HTML directly or created by JavaScript at runtime.
Embed element
type = "Application/ImageCaptureSuite-Plugin"
OnPostTransfer = "Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer"
OnPostAllTransfers = "Dynamsoft_OnPostAllTransfers"
pluginspage = "ImageCaptureSuiteMacEdition.pkg"
style ="width
The embed works for browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera on Mac.
- At runtime, the browser identifies this embed element to be ImageCapture Suite by its type attribute
type = "Application/ImageCaptureSuite-Plugin".
- pluginspage is not a standard attribute of the embed element. Only Firefox supports it. In Firefox, if the component is not
installed, this attribute provides a path from where the "Install Missing Plugin..." button gets the .pkg file.
- At runtime, the browser tries to load the ImageCapture Suite component from the client computer. If succeeded, you can use the component going forward.
Otherwise, you, as the application developer should display a message and provide a link for the end users to download/install the .pkg file.
You can check out how it is done on our demo page.
- This line OnPostTransfer = "Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer" registers an event
handler Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer for the event OnPostTransfer. The equivalent for the object element would be:
DWObject.RegisterEvent('OnPostTransfer', Dynamsoft_OnPostTransfer);
- Make sure you have deployed the below file correctly on your server and the path is written correctly in your code.
- ImageCaptureSuiteMacEdition.pkg
- Make sure you have the correct code in your application for licensing. For more info, please check How to use the license.
Contact us
If you have difficulty deploying ImageCapture Suite, please contact us at live chat for instant tech support.
Finding it too complicated?
If you do NOT want to spend too much time learning about the component before actually integrating it into your application,
the Dynamsoft Support team can help you build the capture page. For more info, please
click here.